Consensus Statement On Hormone Therapy
A statement has been jointly prepared by the North American Menopause Society, the Endocrine Society, and the America Society of Reproductive Medicine, and endorsed by 12 other medical societies in the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
This consensus statement affirms that hormone therapy (HRT) continues to have an important clinical role in the management of women with menopausal symptoms. The purpose of this statement is to reassure women and their healthcare providers that hormone therapy is acceptable and relatively safe for healthy, symptomatic, recently postmenopausal women.
The consensus statement concluded that hormone therapy continues to be an acceptable option for women with moderate-to-severe hot flashes, night sweats, and other menopausal symptoms, and it is best started in any menopause woman (within 10 years of the onset of menopause) or by age 50. Individualization is key, and a women’s clinical factors should be taken into account, including age, time since menopause, and medical history.
The type of hormone therapy is what makes the difference. Bio Identical hormones, which are molecularly identical in structure to hormones found in the human body, are the preferred method. When this therapy is needed, we recommend the use of bio identical hormones such as estradiol, estriol, progesterone, testosterone or DHEA, and natural thyroid hormones.
Hormones are critical for all types of bodily functions. We know that when hormone levels decline as part of the normal aging process, problems with health arise. Bio Identical hormones can relieve symptoms, improve quality of life, prevent chronic illness and maintain wellness. We work with each woman to customize hormone therapy based on her individual lab results. We monitor each woman’s symptoms as well as follow up lab tests to recommend changes when needed.