Male Menopause

Male Menopause: Beginning at approx­i­mately 40 years of age, a man’s testosterone levels slowly decline. A con­di­tion called “andropause” develops which is sim­i­lar to menopause expe­ri­ence by women.

Testosterone deficiency is asso­ci­ated with other medical con­di­tions including obesity, diabetes, hyper­ten­sion and ath­er­o­scle­ro­sis; as well as elevated levels of triglyc­erides, total cho­les­terol, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.

Testosterone may pro­vide a pro­tec­tion against the devel­op­ment or pro­gres­sion of ath­er­o­scle­ro­sis in men. Medical evidence indicates that appro­pri­ate therapy can relieve and partially reverse the pro­gres­sion of these problems in testosterone-deficient men.

Hypog­o­nadism is the medical term for low levels of testosterone in asso­ci­a­tion with specific signs and symptoms, including:

  • Dimin­ished sex drive and sense of vitality
  • Erec­tile dysfunction
  • Depres­sion and Ane­mia
  • Heart dis­ease or wors­en­ing lipid profile
  • Reduced mus­cle mass and bone density
  • Increased fat mass
  • Frailty
  • Osteo­poro­sis
Male Menopause

Hormone therapy is 
rec­om­mended for men with symptoms of hypog­o­nadism and low total testosterone levels or high estrogen levels. Depressed men have been found to have sig­nif­i­cantly lower testosterone levels, perhaps because an asso­ci­ated decrease in sex­ual function results in depression, irri­tabil­ity, and mood swings. Testosterone therapy may improve depressed mood in older men who have low levels of bioavail­able testosterone.

Gradual loss of testosterone is one of the major causes of osteo­poro­sis in elderly men. Studies have reported ben­e­fi­cial effects of testosterone therapy in older men, showing an increase in bone mineral density (BMD) and slowing of bone degen­er­a­tion. Testosterone therapy in older men with low testosterone levels also increases lean body mass and decreases fat mass, improving phys­i­cal per­for­mance and strength.

Testosterone replacement therapy has relieved symptoms and improved the quality of life for many men. TRT is well tol­er­ated. Lab­o­ra­tory values and clin­i­cal response should be mon­i­tored frequently so that any nec­es­sary adjustments can be made.

  • Testosterone can be replaced by either a weekly injection, a cream or a lozenge that melts under the tongue. The specific dose needed by each man can be com­pounded based on lab results and clin­i­cal symptoms.
  • The presence of prostate or breast cancer is an absolute con­traindi­ca­tion for androgen replacement therapy. Guidelines rec­om­mend that Testosterone replacement therapy should not be ini­ti­ated in older men with PSA serum levels above the normal range.

Call to schedule a consultation and screening (941) 753-0600